Decidim Fest 22 — The Future of The Internet · October 13-14 Read more

New version 0.26.0

 —  releases

Improvements to existing features

We are releasing a new version with several improvements in different components.



  • Align UI groups filtering with the rest of decidim #8105
  • Improve error messages in admin panel #8193
  • Add sorting to private participants in a participatory space #8242
  • Configurable default order for proposals #8295
  • Filter assemblies by assembly type in admin #7153
  • Add colors accessibility warning in admin Appearance #8354
  • Add image file upload in QuillJS editor #8250
  • Add more actions in QuillJS toolbar #8120
  • Add filters for Participatory process admins section #8106
  • Add search, filters, pagination and sorting to moderated users #8620
  • Add search, filters and sorting to admin panel budget projects #8592
  • Change colors on mobile navigation bar #8628


  • Describe the notifications' time with words #8564
  • Add link to comments in Notifications #8607
  • Add full content of comments in notifications #8581
  • Allow participants to receive translated content by email #8174


  • Port decidim-budgets improvements from AjuntamentdeBarcelona/decidim #8249
  • Show modal when user is trying to leave with pending vote #8387


  • Offer a way to see all proposals in withdrawn proposal list #8251
  • Import proposal answers #8271
  • Add author to proposals in notifications #8603


  • Make meeting report editable by the author in front-end #8209
  • Ability for users to withdraw their meetings #8248
  • Add more filter options to directory meetings page #8333
  • Meetings iframe visibility #8307
  • Add card images to meetings and blog posts #8276
  • Improve control of comments in meetings and debates #8027


  • Add "title and description" in surveys #8588

To learn about more changes, see the whole changelog: